2025/2026 Kindergarten 9am-3pm Registration Form

9/2025 - 5/2026 | SRCPK Registration Form
9:00am - 3:00pm

Welcome to the Solid Rock Preschool & Kindergarten

 You are Registering for the Kindergarten Class

Mrs. Gatlin

Registration Fee:

Monthly Tuition:

*10% Discount off monthly tuition for siblings

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact & Authorized Escort

Additional Information

Please select one option.
Parents Statement of Understanding & Commitment

Parents Statement of Understanding & Commitment

All applications for enrollment must contain the following commitment, signed by the parent or guardian.

This  Parent Handbook is located on the registration page on our SRCPK website:

1. We have read the Solid Rock Christian Preschool & Kindergarten Parent Handbook and understand the school’s philosophy of education and statement of faith. Furthermore, we are in agreement with each of the following:

      a) SRCP&K is an integral ministry of Christ the Rock and as such, the church is the governing authority of the school and all of its philosophical and educational guidelines.

b) The Statement of Faith of Christ the Rock Community Church will provide the theological framework for all of our instruction and the discriminating basis for our school policies. It is located on our website Please Read.

c) As parents/guardians, we will remain cooperative in supporting the doctrinal integrity of the school.

d) As parents/guardians, we have an obligation to uphold and support the academic goals of the school, require our child to perform all duties and responsibilities given by teachers, and agree to be involved in meaningful ways with school activities, parent conferences, events and educational goals whether at school or at home.

2. We do hereby state that we understand the school’s program, curriculum, discipline, dress code, etc., and we agree to positively support them.

3. We agree to share any complaints or negative comments only with the people involved. Unresolved issues will be taken care of by using the school’s chain-of-command. (Teacher, Administration, School Advisory Board, Elder board)

4. We understand that the standards of SRCP&K do not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, disrespect to the personnel of the school, or continual disobedience to the established policies of the school and that such actions may result in student dismissal.

5. We understand that if for any reason it is determined by the Adminstration at some point that the school is not a good match for your child, financial responsiblility will stop at the point of withdrawal from the school. There will be no refund for previous days attended.

6. We understand that we are responsible for any assessments made to cover damages to the school, including book damage or property damage.

7. We understand and will fulfill our financial commitment to full and timely payments for the educational services the school is providing for our child.  We understand that the payment each month is based on the overall school year and not the number of days in each month. No credit OR DISCOUNT is given for sick days, vacation days or school closures due to weather.

8. We understand that Late Tuition Fees are $10.00 after the 15th day of the month, Returned checks are subject to bank fee charges per check.

9. We agree to notify the school two weeks in advance of withdrawal, or pay the tuition equal to TWO week's notice.

10. We agree to pay all legal and court costs if we feel it necessary to bring legal action against the school and lose the court decision.

11. We understand the school’s legal obligation, as mandated reporters, to communicate occurrences/incidents of suspected child abuse to the appropriate authorities.

12. In the event that my student requires medical attention and I cannot be reached, I give the staff of the Solid Rock Christian Preschool & Kindergarten permission to sign for any necessary treatment.

13. We understand that this is a private school and is supported by enrollment. If enrollment is down, I understand my student might move to a different class or classes may be combined.

14. We understand that failure of the parents or child to comply with the established regulations, discipline, parental commitment, or failure to meet financial obligations will forfeit the student’s privilege of attending SRCP&K.

My Electronic Signature Below Indicates that I understand and have read the statements above and agree to comply with the stated regulations.


9/2025 - 5/2026
SRCPK Registration Form
9:00am - 3:00pm