2025/2026 Solid Rock Christian Preschool & Kindergarten Wait List
Solid Rock Christian Preschool & Kindergarten
Parent Name
Cell Phone
This address will receive a confirmation email
Student Name
Student Birthdate
We would love to contact you when an opening is available.
Please let us know below what class you would like to attend and we will put you on the wait list in the order that it is received.
Classes Options: (All Classes Mon.-Fri.)
Please select one option.
Preschool: 9-12:00pm> Mrs. Acey Anderson
Pre-Kindergarten: 9-1:00pm> Mrs. Strong
Pre-Kindergarten 9-1:00pm> Mrs. Deanna Gatlin
Kindergarten: 9-3:00pm> Mrs. Beth Gatlin
Select Option
Preschool: 9-12:00pm> Mrs. Acey Anderson
Pre-Kindergarten: 9-1:00pm> Mrs. Strong
Pre-Kindergarten 9-1:00pm> Mrs. Deanna Gatlin
Kindergarten: 9-3:00pm> Mrs. Beth Gatlin
Solid Rock Christian Preschool & Kindergarten
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